The information in this site is protected by copyright. You may only use the information, text or graphics contained in this site for your personal use and may not reproduce, adapt or publish it, in whole or in part, for any purpose without the express written consent of SurgiTel. The SurgiTel name and logos, as well as SurgiTel model names, are trademarks of SurgiTel. The SurgiTel logos may not be used, downloaded, copied or distributed in any way.  Additionally, the Oakley name and logos, as well as Oakley model names, are trademarks of Oakley. The Oakley logos may not be used, downloaded, copied or distributed in any way.

The SurgiTel Web site,, contains information regarding SurgiTel and its products and promotional programs. The promotional programs described on this site are available only in those states and territories of the U.S. (excluding Hawaii) as specifically referred to within the description of the program. All pricing information referred to on this site is in U.S. dollars.

SurgiTel reserves the right to modify the information contained on this site at any time without notice. While SurgiTel makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that all material on this site is correct, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and SurgiTel does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of any information contained on this site. This site and all information and materials contained herein, is provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind.

This site may contain hypertext links to other World Wide Web sites, which are completely independent of this site. SurgiTel makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained in any such hypertext link, and any hypertext link to another person or entity shall not in any manner be construed as endorsement by SurgiTel of such person’s or entity’s World Wide Web site, products or services. Your linking to any other off-site pages or other sites is at your own risk.


SurgiTel’s privacy and security measures are designed with the deepest respect for the privacy of our customers. Any personal information that you provide to SurgiTel is used for the purpose of enhancing your web experience with SurgiTel. SurgiTel’s specific privacy policies are outlined below.

SurgiTel obtains information through: (1) the information entered into an online form; and/or (2) navigational information about where visitors go on our website.

The information obtained from our online forms help us contact you to answer your question or fulfill your request. If you do not wish to be contacted by phone, mail and/or e-mail, please notify us. The navigational information allows us to see which areas of our Web site are most visited and helps us improve the quality of your online experience by recognizing and delivering more of the most desired features and services. Additional non-personally identifiable information (for example, browser version, IP address) may be collected which will provide information regarding the general use of our website.

SurgiTel will never sell any information about you to anyone. “Cookies” are used by SurgiTel only to allow you to use SurgiTel’s web site in the most efficient manner.

SurgiTel has a company policy not to flood people with e-mail correspondence, but simply gives you periodic information so you can stay up to date on what SurgiTel is offering. You can easily unsubscribe at any time. SurgiTel also uses your e-mail address to confirm your order and to confirm shipment of your order and to respond to any inquiries you make on-line. All e-mails you receive will provide you with information as to how to get off the e-mail mailing list if you so desire.

Although SurgiTel does not specifically direct its web site to children, SurgiTel strives to provide children with as much customer service as possible without violating their privacy rights. For their protection, SurgiTel asks that anyone under 14 years of age not attempt to provide SurgiTel with any personal information without the consent of a parent or legal guardian.

SurgiTel will provide you with access to the personal information you provided to SurgiTel by allowing you to view, update or correct your information. In order to protect your privacy, SurgiTel takes steps to verify your identity before granting you access to the private information or enabling you to make corrections. SurgiTel will accomplish this through the use of passwords and personal data.

Our web site’s security system attempts to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of personal information. We use industry-standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption to protect the confidentiality of your personal information.

Please review the site periodically to see any updates to the information provided here. This privacy policy was last updated on August 6, 2013.




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