Surgical Loupes


SurgiTel® offers ergonomic surgical loupes with superior clarity in a full range of loupe magnifications.SCHEDULE A FREE EVALUATION
Surgical Loupes


SurgiTel® offers ergonomic surgical loupes with superior clarity in a full range of loupe magnifications.SCHEDULE A FREE EVALUATION

Posture-safe Surgical Loupes. Lightweight Surgical Lights.

SurgiTel ergonomic loupes and surgical headlights allow you to work comfortably while protecting your neck and back, with the following advantages:

Surgical High Intensity with EVK Loupe


  • 100% customizable fit
  • Lightweight and stylish SurgiTel and Oakley frames
  • Adjustable Ergo Fit nose pads fit to facial features


  • Ergonomic surgical loupes prevent both lower back and neck pain/injuries
  • Pantoscopic tilt of frame and/or lenses help give a steeper declination angle and can eliminate gaps between the face and the bottom edge of the lenses to give better eye protection
  • Discover our new Surgical Mini Light, one of the lightest and with more battery life


  • Widest variety of frames and oculars
  • Multi-vision options with working distance caps
  • TTL (Through-The-Lens) and FLM (Front-Lens-Mounted) loupe options