SurgiTel Prism Pro Loupes as an Alternative Option of Operating Microscopes

ErgoPractice News – November 2021
By Jin Chang PhD


The use of extreme magnification for microsurgical procedures and various dental procedures such as restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures has gained widespread acceptance.1-3 As an extreme magnification instrument, operating microscopes have been used because they can offer extreme magnification powers. But there are several practical issues with the use of operating microscopes. Therefore, SurgiTel introduced ergonomic “Prism Pro Loupes” with extreme magnification powers (5.5x, 6.5x, 8.0x, and 10.0x)  which can eliminate issues related to the use of operating microscopes. Figure 1 shows images seen through SurgiTel Prism Pro Loupes with extreme magnification powers and Figure 2 shows three styles of SurgiTel Prism Pro 8.0x Loupes: Through-The-Lens (TTL) with SurgiTel’s Titanium frame (2a), Front-Lens-Mounted (FLM) style with SurgiTel headband (2b), and FLM style with SurgiTel’s Titanium frame (2c). This November issue of ErgoPractice eNews will review issues of operating microscopes and benefits of SurgiTel Prism Pro Loupes.

Figure1: Images seen through SurgiTel Prism Pro Loupes

Figure 2: SurgiTel Prism Pro 8.0x Loupes: Through-The-Lens (TTL) style with SurgiTel’s Titanium frame (2a), Front-Lens-Mounted (FLM) style with SurgiTel headband (2b), and FLM style with titanium frame (2c).

Design Differences Between Surgical Microscopes and Standard Loupes

Loupes are just a part of eyeglasses with magnification optics, but operating microscopes are a heavy optical system which requires a large storage space. Figure 3 shows clinicians using SurgiTel ergonomic loupes. Figure 4 shows a clinician using an operating microscope.

Figure 3: Clinicians Using SurgiTel Ergonomic Loupes

Figure 4: Clinician Using an Operating Microscope

Since loupes are a part of eyeglasses, using loupes is very natural and does not require an extensive training. But operating microscopes do not allow users to have the direct vision and thus using operating microscopes is not natural. There are several practical issues with the use of surgical microscopes. First, operating microscopes are not portable and require sturdy & complex mounting arms and a heavy base which require a large storage area. Second, operating microscopes do not allow users to have the direct vision, requiring extensive training. Third, the working distance of operating microscopes is fixed. This means that users have to adjust their posture to operating microscopes. Fourth, operating microscopes do not allow users to see sides of objects under examination easily. Fifth, the posture of users must be fixed to the operating microscope. Working with a fixed posture may not be good ergonomically, resulting in the chronic pain in various parts of the body. Finally, operating microscopes require capital investment for purchasing microscopes and added investment for learning necessary skills (time and money).

Why to Consider SurgiTel Ergonomic Prism Pro Loupes as An Alternative Option for High Magnification

SurgiTel ergonomic Prism Pro Loupes can help users not only see better but also work with the safe head tilt angle less than 20-degrees.4 As shown in Figure 2, there are three mounting styles: FLM with frame, FLM with headband, and TTL with frame. SurgiTel FLM loupes allow users to adjust their viewing angle (declination angle) to achieve the best neck posture and to adjust the distance between two oculars (loupe optics) to create the best field size (from circular view to oval shape view which provides the bigger field size) as you desire.

SurgiTel ergonomic loupes can eliminate all issues related to surgical microscopes and also offer important, practical benefits listed below.

Frame choice: Oakley Radar frames and SurgiTel Titanium frames (patented) are available for prism pro loupes. These frames are very stable for extreme magnification loupes and also offer good eye protection as well as comfort to wear.

Custom nose pad for maximum comfort: Single nose pad cannot fit all nose types. SurgiTel offers several custom nose pad options for various nose types.

Creating different working distances with interchangeable working distance caps (patented): Users can increase or reduce the working distance of loupes for different cases to achieve the best working posture.

Restoring the working distance that is increased due to aging eyes with interchangeable working distance caps: Aging eyes require reading glasses. The power of reading glasses can rapidly change from 0.25 diopter (age 40 to 45) to 2.5 diopter (age 55 to 60). With aging, you notice that the working distance of loupes has increased. If you want to restore the original working distance of loupes, you must add reading prescription to loupe optics. Adding reading prescription to most brand TTL loupes must be done by manufacturers – lost time and updating fee. But the working distance of SurgiTel TTL loupes can easily be restored by replacing the current working caps of loupes with different working distance caps – no loss of time and low cost. With SurgiTel TTL prism loupes, you can save thousands of dollars for restoring the working distance of loupes increased to aging eyes.

Increasing the effective magnification power of loupes with interchangeable working distance caps: Eyes can see better by getting closer to objects because the image projected onto the retina becomes larger as the object distance decreases. Loupes just magnify the image projected onto the retina. If you decrease the working distance of SurgiTel prism loupes with interchangeable working distance caps, you can increase your visual acuity. If you decrease the working distance by 20%, you can see 20% better with line, 36% better with area, and about 50% better with 3D objects. SurgiTel prism loupes can be used as multi-vision loupes.

 Stabilized FLM Rack-Arm Assembly (patented): SurgiTel’s stabilized FLM mounting rack-arm assembly allows SurgiTel to offer loupes with extreme magnification powers. SurgiTel’s customizable FLM loupes allow users to customize their viewing angles for different cases to achieve the best working posture.

Why SurgiTel is Your Partner for Your Vision Aid Products

The founding mission of SurgiTel has been providing clinicians with truly ergonomic, posture-safe loupes and eye-safer LED headlights. During the last thirty years, SurgiTel introduced many world-first vision-aid products based on patented concepts, including customizable FLM loupes, ergonomic frames, truly ergonomic TTL loupes, true-color LED beam-forming optics which allows SurgiTel to offer safer LED headlights with the best color accuracy, LED lights with no-touch switching, multi-vision loupes with interchangeable working distance caps, interchangeable custom nose pad systems, and loupe-mountable digital cameras (SurgiCam HD). SurgiTel offers unique benefits which may not be available with other brands as follows:

  1. SurgiTel offers the most magnification options (2.5x to 10.0x).
  2. SurgiTel offers all magnification loupes with either FLM style or TTL style.
  3. SurgiTel offers the most LED light options (warm, neutral, and cool) with various models (wired, wireless, and no-touch switching).
  4. SurgiTel offers truly ergonomic loupes to any clinicians with various nose types which offer truly ergonomic benefits over deflection loupes.5
  5. SurgiTel offers a free evaluation service – posture analysis with your current loupes and potential blue light hazard with your current LED lights.

SurgiTel’s free evaluation service can help evaluate your working posture and avoid the potential blue light hazard of various cool brands of LED lights. Click here to schedule a free evaluation.


  1. van As GA. Using the surgical operating microscope in general practice. Contemp Esthet Restor Pract.2000; 4:34-40.
  2. Schultheiss, D., and J. Denil. “History of the Microscope and Development of Microsurgery: A Revolution for Reproductive Tract Surgery.” Andrologia 34, no. 4 (September 2002): 234–41.
  3. Low, Jun Fay, Tuti Ningseh Dom, and Safura Anita Baharin. “Magnification in Endodontics: A Review of Its Application and Acceptance among Dental Practitioners.” European Journal of Dentistry 12, no. 04 (2018): 610–16.
  4. Valachi, Bethany. Practice Dentistry Pain-Free: Evidence-Based Strategies to Prevent Pain and Extend Your Career. Posturedontics Press, 2008.
  5. Chang, Jin. “Do Deflection Loupes With Steep Deflected Beam Meet Ergonomic Requirements? (SurgiTel Straight Ergonomic Loupes Vs. Deflection Loupes).” SurgiTel, ErgoPractice News, September 2021.